
Become a SAFTEA Corporate Sponsor

sponsor Welcome and thank you for visiting our site. The Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association sponsorship drive is currently ongoing until we fill all our sponsor spots. By sponsoring the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association, you’re making an investment in the future of the personal defense community and in the training and education of the responsibly armed citizen. By supporting the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association, you will be helping to bring our training programs to the public. These training classes will be offered nationwide including rural America. Your donations help the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association expand into new communities and new markets.

Our sponsors recognize that promoting safe and effective skill development for civilians is critical to the reputation of all in the industry. Our sponsors enjoy high exposure in prime markets that will put your business and products in front of millions of Instructors, students, and gun owners all over the country. What better way to show your dedication and support to the community than by sponsoring the Second Amendment Firearms Training & Education Association? If you're interested in becoming a SAFTEA Sponsor please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Possibilities & Benefits of Sponsorship:

  • Brochures packaged in our student packets. (Every student receives a packet)
  • Advertising through-out our network of students and instructors.
  • Advertising in our Newsletter with over 650,000 gun enthusiast and instructors.
  • Product mentions or reviews in our Blog.
  • Products mentions on our Facebook pages.
  • Advertising on our website at www.saftea.org.
  • Advertising on our instructor website at www.safteainstructors.org
  • Underwriting one or more of our training programs.
  • Discounts for SAFTEA Instructors and or students with a coupon code.
  • Product Placement in manuals.
  • Advertising on the back covers of our manuals (full color).

Other ways to get involved with SAFTEA:

  • Help with our exposure and put a link on your website to the SAFTEA's website.
  • Offering Discounts to members and Instructors.
  • Become a Bronze, Silver or Gold SAFTEA Member.
  • Have us create a new and unique training program for your company or product.
  • Host a training session of 1 day to 1 week at your club or range.
  • Tell your friends and family about our new and exiting programs and classes.
  • Sponsor an Instructor or students through our training.
  • Make a much needed donation to the SAFTEA
  • Sponsor an entire class.

If you're interested in becoming a SAFTEA Sponsor please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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