
SAFTEA Range Master Course

rangeofficerThe goal of the SAFTEA's “Range Master” course is to provide the Certified Range Officers with a solid foundation in basic knowledge of range management and operations. This is a two day class.

The SAFTEA Instructor level courses are designed to teach the experienced shooter/instructor, how to present the SAFTEA courses to the general public using the SAFTEA MOI as a basis for instructional methods and techniques. This course also encompasses the proper running of the range portions of SAFTEA classes and the best practices for achieving the maximum amount of learning from the students.

A number of topics will be covered in the “Range Master" course, these include but are not limited to:

  • Writing Standard Range Operating Procedures
  • Instructing Range Officers
  • Range Setup
  • Range Inspection
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Responding to Emergencies
  • Range Rules
  • Range Safety Briefings
  • Running the Line and Movement on the Range
  • Firearm Stoppages and Malfunctions
  • Student Safety
  • Instructor Safety
  • Dealing with the public

Range Master is an Instructor rating, you must be a current Certified SAFTEA Range Officer, Certified in First Aid, CPR, AED from a National or State recognized organization and also must have taken SAFTEA  MOI (Methods of Instruction) within the last 2 years.

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